Which rake for which application?
In most cases, screens are the first stage wastewater treatment in wastewater treatment plants.
Their function is to reliably retain coarse particles whose diameter are greater than the rake passage.Depending on whether it is about exchanging of an existing system or installing a screen in a new building and depending on local conditions, operating conditions can be quite different.
Most important aspects are such as variance of the volume flow during dry and rainy weather periods, required degree of separation, load of the waste water with ballast and composition of the debris with sand / stones, fibers, textiles or plastic parts, etc.
For industrial wastewater treatment plants in chemical or pharmaceutical production, food processing or in slaughterhouses, the requirements are completely different as for municipal sewage.
Therefore, it is simply not possible to make a general statement which is the right screen for your application.
Contact us for the right choice of product - we are happy to assist you with our expertise!In practice, two setup variants are used:
- directly into a channel
- free installation in a container, in smaller applications as compact system combined with a sand / stone trap